5 Hot Tub Chemicals to Maintain Your Spa

Do you own a spa at home? If yes, you must look for ways to keep your spa system maintained. Water treatment chemicals are a significant aspect of maintaining your spa. Bacteria grow and thrive in the hot tub water and when it gets heated, it can overload your water much faster. 

So, you should choose the right hot tub chemicals so that the hot tub water is perfectly balanced, clean, and safe to use. Please check out the list of spa chemicals discussed below and add them to your regular treatment routine to make sure that your hot tub is ready to use. 

1. Total Alkaline Increaser 

It’s better to check the pH and alkalinity of hot tub water to determine whether the water is acidic or basic. You should keep it within the right ranges to keep your water safe to use and gentle on your system. 

However, water chemistry has a significant influence on the place you live. Hence, you need to adjust your water chemistry by adding an alkaline increaser. Remember that, alkalinity significantly affects the pH levels of water which means it changes the water pH level quickly while the pH has very little effect on the alkalinity of water. So, make adjustments to the alkaline level and balance your water much more easily. 

2. pH Increaser and Decreaser

As discussed above, the pH level of water is a significant aspect of maintaining the overall health of your water. Adding a pH increaser and decreaser will make sure that you treat your water while falling out of balance.

While using these chemicals, you should follow the instructions present on the backside of the bottle carefully. It’s suggested to add them when the system is operating and test again after thirty minutes. 

3. Sanitizer

It’s necessary to keep the hot tub water free from bacteria to make sure that the hot tub water is clean and safe to use. There are different types of sanitizers available to use in hot tubs. You can choose a sanitizer based on the chlorine, bromine, salt cells, and biguanide level of your water system. 

Once you choose the right water care system, you will have the right sanitizer that you can use to treat your water when you notice the first sign of trouble. Whether the hot tub water gets dirty or over-saturated with bacteria, you can lift your hot tub cover and find the cloudy, foamy, or bad-smelling water. 

4. Oxidizer

Sanitizer is an effective tool that helps in preventing naturally occurring bacteria in your hot tub. But one contaminant that it is unable to manage i.e. the organic matter. Organic matter is any oil buildup that develops in the water like makeup, body lotions, perfumes, deodorants, hair products, dead skin cells, etc. 

Whenever you use your spa, the oils from your skin will go inside the water and create a foam layer on the water’s surface. You can use an oxidizer to break up the organic matter and make sure that your sanitizer works as effectively as possible. You should use it once a week which will help you keep your hot tub water away from being foamy and make it easier to care for your hot tub. 

5. Hot Tub Filter Cleaner

A hot tub filter helps in eliminating any contaminants from water when it circulates throughout the system. These contaminants build up naturally on the filters, creating a dirt and grime layer on the surface. 

You should consider cleaning the hot tub filter regularly to keep your hot tub water free from debris. You can clean it weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Considering a weekly cleaning can allow you to rinse off any dirt from your filter by using water. But using a filter cleaner on a monthly and quarterly basis allows you to clean the filter thoroughly to maximize its lifespan. 

Bottom Line –

Do you want to learn more about hot tub chemicals? If yes, then you should get in touch with Northern Lights Cedar Tubs Direct at 1-800-759-8990.